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HOPCC vs. NTCC... Is there any difference?

Rony Denis left NTCC under the guise that they were compromisers... Denis continues to run the same operation now at HOPCC. Check out this video!

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Happy Birthday CJ!!!

May God bless you and open your eyes to the truth. Don't be afraid, fear is of the devil. God loves you and wants you out more than you...


I actually listened to one of their sermons, the whole episode. I'll give it to them, it's on point- BUT, how do they treat people outside of the preaching and do they practice what they preach? Jesus would not have said this if it weren't true, "They worship me with their lips but their heart is far from me."


Jun 21

Denis is teaching what he learned from NTCC and what they have been doing for years, damage control. HOP is not original, it was built on a lie. Denis used the same tactics to start HOP and have control of the people. He still mimics NTCC to a T. He had to learn it from somewhere right!? Only HOP is NTCC on steroids and Denis got the nerve to say that he left NTCC because they were compromisers.🤦🏻‍♀️ If you really look at it, Denis never really deviated from NTCC's teachings. People of HOP, you can not deny or ignore any longer the warning signs. God is telling you all, it's time to go! Expose all the lies, the control,…


Jun 21

There is absolutely no difference. Denis just used the ntcc playback and made it worse. Hopcc's only mode is damage control, and information control. They dont want truth and the whole story to reach the members ears, only propaganda. Splitting families, twisting scriptures, full of hatred. Lies and more lies. It's all about money, follow the money. It's sad that this cult has been passed down through several generations at least (denis,Davis, and whatever Davis split from). There is nothing special about these churches (cults), once you see clearly it's obvious. There are many Cults and they have so many things in common if a person would just research it. Unfortunately the die hard believers carry out the abuses o…

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