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HOPCC Origins: NTCC Legalism

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May God bless you and open your eyes to the truth. Don't be afraid, fear is of the devil. God loves you and wants you out more than you...

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06 lug

If you people from HOP don't see that HOP is NTCC on steroids, then I don't know what to tell you. The proof and evidence that both NTCC and HOPCC are both CULTS are right there in you face!!! Everything that the narrator says it's true and we ALL experienced it. Like the narrator said, that is your sign to get up and LEAVE!!! Denis and his minions learned everything from NTCC. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR ANYONE THAT STAYS IN ANY OF THESE ORGANIZATIONS!!! HOP, God is long suffering and He loves you and has shown you time after time after time, dealing with you all to get up and leave this place. Denis calling last night to talk…

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