How can a man get on The Lord's pulpit and preach such trash when he doesn't even speak to his own family, the one GOD bore him into? Hagar WAS a bondwoman- BUT GOD! GOD released her, and then she was FREE. How about that!? If only you lived what you preach, you too would be set free! Getting sick of this place and its hypocrites. Is denis your god, cj?! You have no right to preach the Word of God. Wake up, O man, that sleepest. Thou art the man, Rev Vargas. There IS HOPE. But NOT in denis. ONLY JESUS SAVES.
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CJ, that man is so proud!! Denis has pumped so much trash in him that he’s not even the shadow of what he used to be. He was a very humbled kid. I’m wondering why is he still around in hinesville?? What is Denis planning on doing with him?
CJ is a disgrace getting behind that pulpit and talk trash about his mother like that comparing her to the bond woman and everyone shouting amen. But he failed to realize that GOD blessed Hagar after she was put out and she took her son with her unlike you, you're still stuck in here. You should of left with her. Just like the comment mentioned above, she was FREE!!! If we are going to compare, your mother has been set FREE!!! from the bondage that we are in this filthy place. Who do serve Rev. Vargas???? because you don't deserve that title either. You serve your master denis, the one that's taking you and the rest of the people in here straight to HELL!!! Wake up sir!!!! In the eyes of God you're a proud, filthy, full of anger, disrespectful being, you have no business preaching, corrupting and twisting God's word. God is not listening to you unless it is the prayer of REPENTANCE!!!!! What you need to do is go and apologize to your mother, sir. The one that gave you life because if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be here today.