My prayer for them, (the Pilkingtons,) is that they do leave. Despite all of the evil that they have done to me and many others through the influence of Denis, my prayer has always been that they leave.
God has given me the grace to forgive. You see many of these people i knew before Denis and his demons got ahold of them. Most of them were sincere people that loved God. And I know if a person comes out from under satan's (Denis) influence they can recover. So not only to Will n Jen, Josh n Amanda, but to all that have lived under Denis' lie, you can be free, God can restore you, there is hope.
(Ezra papa still loves you, and i pray for you often. If you need help reach out to me on messenger)
To anyone that needs help i am easy to find, I'm not hiding.
The minister who left this week reached out to us. We were able to connect him with old friends who gave him good guidance. I was instructing him on how to deal with Denis and he said, "Denis is nothing to me." LOL. I love it. ❤️ He had seen the light.