Denis asked Gibbs does he keep in touch with someone they met in El Salvador. Gibbs responded that yes they do and other nonsense he said. Denis then asked Gibbs.....was I there? And Gibbs responded yes sir you are everywhere, what????? Gibbs just made Denis to be omnipresent 😱😱 Sir that is blasphemy!!!! Only GOD is omnipresent.
Omnipresence means that since God's power and knowledge extend to all parts of his creation, he himself is present everywhere. What is wrong with these people!!! The demonic activity in this place its on another level. People just get on the polycom and say whatever they want just to please Denis. Just know that God sees everything and we all will be accountable for our own words and actions.
Psalms 146:3 AMP
Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation (help).
Psalms 118:8 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Isaiah 2:22 AMP
Stop regarding man, whose breath [of life] is in his nostrils [for so little time]; For why should he be esteemed?
Jeremiah 17:5-10 AMP
Thus says the Lord, “Cursed is the man who trusts in and relies on mankind, Making [weak, faulty human] flesh his strength, And whose mind and heart turn away from the Lord. For he will be like a shrub in the [parched] desert; And shall not see prosperity when it comes, But shall live in the rocky places of the wilderness, In an uninhabited salt land. Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the Lord And whose hope and confident expectation is the Lord. For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters, That spreads out its roots by the river; And will not fear the heat when it comes; But its leaves will be green and moist. And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought Nor stop bearing fruit. “The heart is deceitful above all things And it is extremely sick; Who can understand it fully and know its secret motives? I, the Lord, search and examine the mind, I test the heart, To give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.
Yea little man Denis is in everything, he's in everyone's business... like a headless chicken...a fish out of water.. like a ship tossed around. A double minded man...unstable in all his ways. Yes, he's even in women's underwear. He's in ya'll sexual relationship, in ya'll bed, in your finances, in your children's life, in every decision you make. You all allowed him to do that. Keep him out of your business and he won't have control over you. You all made him lord over your lives.
I remember Gibbs one time was planning travel arrangements for missionary trips between Haiti and Dominic Republic and he changed his voice like a woman.😱😱 Gibbs what voice do you seduce Denis with when you roll play?
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Tell us Alexis, how much did Denis pay you to give that lame testimony?? This dude said that he was driving and found some tires on the side of the road. Got out of the truck and put the tires in the back. Went and pick up Javier and I guess Javier said oh you got some tires or something. The thing is, he said that when he stopped he took the tire out and a coin dropped 🤔🤦♂️🤷♂️. Then he said he picked it up and that one side of the coin had a cross and some hearts and the other side had the scripture 1Corinthians 13:13 and then he looked across the street and saw a license plate or something with the name Denis. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why, just why, do you all have to lie to get brownie points??? Don't you see that Denis is loving this??? You are all striking his ego. Alexis, you and the people that give these fake testimonies, made Denis to be your god. We know who your "charity" is.
They twist the scriptures using that Paul said he was in spirit beholding the churches order though not their in body. What did Paul mean by that anyway?
Gibbs and his wifey are so deep into Ronnie's bottom it is not even funny. Remember one time Alejandra was on the phone with her 2nd hubby Denis and it was just sick...she said that she could talk to Denis about things she couldn't talk about with Randy. ARE YOU SERIOUS? What a perverted mess of a ....almost
Old Martel Kaymore. That man is about as much a stone as you can get. You can't make eye contact with him and he doesn't speak. Pretty scary. God help these people PLEASE!!!!!!! Deny baby is on the phone again, what a surprise. Literally as Junior was finishing exortation, little dimwit was there. They are getting pretty good at timing it. I am impressed. Now if they would give concern and really care about people's time and NOT WASTING IT!!! it would be wonderful. Day school will be out for 3 weeks before they go back. No reason, just cuz. I thought HOP doesn't celebrate Christmas holiday, so why are they taking a longer break than the public schools. Hmmm? You can't even mistakingly say merry christmas or happy new year to will be crucified. Give me a break.
Another fake testimony the other day comes from kaymore. He told Denis that he looked up in the sky and saw a shield and in front of it a cross and that he has pictures to prove it, and that's supposed to mean what????????? These people are a joke.🤪