To my friends who have left HOPCC,
I want to encourage you to enjoy every moment of freedom God has intended for us to have. I believe that it is good, therapeutic, and needed to talk about the experiences of being in such an abusive, corrupt, and unbiblical place as HOP, but I wouldn’t allow it to dominate my thoughts and life.
The Lord has given us a wonderful opportunity to heal with a new life, a new beginning, and a new chapter of our life. I believe there was a responsibility to expose the evil of this group, which has been done. We certainly do not want to fall into Satan’s trap of bitterness and hatred. This appears to be the snare that Hop was built upon. After so many years, we still heard the broken record of how "you know who" was done wrong. Competition and comparison from a heart of extreme bitterness fueled the motivation for “growth” in HOP.
By God’s grace, I pray that you and I will never allow that to become our driving force as God has so graciously delivered us from a place of deceit and manipulation. I would encourage you to continue to pray for those who are still deceived in this place, actually thinking that they have access to God’s heaven through a man who has mocked God and those who have left for God. Many of them may not even realize that this man has spoken against the Holy Spirit!
If you still have loved ones in this place continue to stay in communication with them. Pray for them, and tell them constantly that you love them. Pray the Scriptures over them, there is power in God’s word.
For those of you who are still in this place and are reading from this site, I want you to know that HOPCC is not the only church that is “right with God.” You can live for God outside of the confines of HOPCC. If you “quit” HOPCC, it does not mean that you quit God. God is bigger than HOPCC.
For those of you who have been there from the beginning, shame on you! You know better. You know that things have changed for the worse. You are only deceiving yourselves if you think that you will escape the judgment of God because you are complicit in this man’s evil.
What more needs to be said? I pray for there to be true repentance coming out of this place. How can there be forgiveness and reconciliation without repentance? In some cases, we must just release it to God and move on with our lives.
God Bless